Thursday 15 October 2015

Contemporary artists looking at everyday objects (Alice Bradshaw)

Contemporary artists looking at everyday objects

Alice Bradshaw

Alice Bradshaw is an artist, curator, researcher and writer based in West Yorkshire, UK. Alice is founding director of the Museum of Contemporary Rubbish which is dedicated to the collecting, documenting and exhibiting of rubbish from across the world and is currently undertaking her MA by Research at the Univeristy of Huddersfield exploring artists' use of rubbish/waste/discards.
Bradshaws work can inspire me because I could look into using empty glasses or drinks bottles in my prints. She also uses primary colours which are very vibrant and stand out, these colours can reflect the bright lights of clubs in Liverpool city centre at night.

“I work with a wide range of media and processes involving the manipulation of everyday objects and materials. Mass-produced, anonymous objects are often rendered dysfunctional caricatures of themselves, addressing concepts of purpose and futility. I create or accentuate subtleties, blurring distinctions between the absurd and the mundane, with the notion that the environment the work exists in becomes integral to the work itself.

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